Try Us – Join Us

If the Silvers’ Workshop appeals to you, come and visit us for a free taster session.

No need to make an appointment, just turn up during any of our opening hours and we promise a warm welcome!

If you want to join, complete an application form and standing order form and bring them with you to the Shed on your next visit. Alternatively, just come along for a couple of trial visits, to see for yourself if it is for you. You can then sign-up at the workshop.

There is an annual membership fee of £70.00 that can be paid either in one go or £17.50 per quarter by standing order. There’s a CASH attendance charge of £3.00 per visit which covers unlimited tea/coffee and other consumables.

You can download the forms and an instruction sheet by clicking the links below:

Please note that the above files require Adobe Reader to view them. If you do not have this you can download it by clicking the button below and following the instructions to install it.

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